This Week's best spoof articles

Another good crop of spoof stories, despite the fact that some of the "silly season" spoofs in the mainstream media are so ludicrous that it must have been hard to top them.

Indeed, this very point appears to have been the inspiration for the News Thump story Queen's corgis are Nazis claims shock report.

The Daily Mash says

"Labour MPs are all changing their name to Eric Pickles (except Jeremy Corbyn)," and on that note,

"Jeremy Corbyn's rivals accuse him of creating 'Scrappy Doo'."

NewsThump also advise us that "John Prescott says 'Hodor'" (I wonder which JRR Martin series of books they've been reading.)

And one from earlier this year which I missed at the time as I was just a bit busy with elections:

William Shatner steals space shuttle 'Enterprise' to search for reborn Leonard Nimoy.

Doubtless if that had been published in the last few days they would have suggested he might try to get to Kepler 542b ...

The best one however has to be how "Labour will do exactly what Tony Blair says." (Not.) The last line of the article refers to David Cameron being admitted to hospital for laughing too hard. Quite.


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